Here you will find information about completing an honours degree with CARE in 2022.
Prospective Honours Students Information Session 2021
The below videos are recordings of the honours information session held on the 25th of November 2021. We encourage prospective honours students to watch this video if they are considering completing honours with our lab next year. If you have any general questions about the lab, please contact Owen Myles. If you have any specific questions about projects, please contact the supervisor with whom that project aligns.
In the meeting presented here we instructed prospective honours students to preference CARE as an organisation, rather than individual supervisors. Please note that this advice has since changed. To preference CARE you should find the names of the CARE supervisors listed (only Colin MacLeod, Lies Notebaert & Ben Grafton are listed) and preference them individually (in any order). Being allocated to any of the CARE supervisors will allocate you to the lab as a whole. Please note that we still intend to hold a pre-semester meeting where specific projects and supervisors are assigned.
Original VideoIn this video you will find a lightly edited recording of the most recent honours information session. Please note that due to some background noise, some of the audio may be difficult to hear. If you are struggling to hear the video, please try the audio adjusted version below. Please also note that the recording cut out just before the end of the session, but no additional major points were discussed after the end of the recording.
Audio AdjustedThis video is identical to the one above, but the audio profile had been adjusted to remove some of the background noise. This does lead to some audio distortions, but may make some of the content easier to hear.
Meeting TranscriptThis file contacts a text transcript of the above recordings. This transcript was automatically generated using transcription software and so may contain some errors.